About us Major Project

About Us

About Us

Major Project

Korea Climate and Environmental Network Major Project

  • Campaign to reduce greenhouse gases by 1ton per person
    One-Ton-Per-Capita GHG Reduction Campaign

    What is the one-ton-per-capita greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction campaign?
    - Reducing one ton of GHG per capita is a new lifestyle that not only cuts down on GHG emissions through small day-to-day actions, but also brings health, safety, and economic benefits for each family.
    - Reducing one ton of GHG per capita can be practiced with new rules in four different categories: transportation, indoor temperature control, electricity, and resources.

    Korea Climate and Environment Network (KCEN) is inviting everyone to take a pledge (once when applying to participate in the campaign), and receive monthly check-ups to make sure the campaign to reduce one ton of GHG per person remains a sustainable and quantifiable way of reducing GHG nationwide.

  • Operation of Climate Change Week Campaign
    Climate Change Week Campaign

    Since 2009, KCEN has been hosting a campaign called “Climate Change Week” to adapt and deal with climate change, campaigning online and offline for one to two weeks starting on Earth Day (April 22).

    Every year, the Ministry of Environment, Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute, civic groups, and corporations participate in discovering and promoting events related to GHG reduction via daily activities to help build public consensus and boost engagement in climate change-related initiatives.

  • Greenhouse gas reduction support project
    GHG Reduction Support Project

    KCEN supports private organizations for carbon-neutral lifestyles and GHG reduction. It also discovers projects that can raise public awareness of carbon neutrality and encourage carbon-neutral practices in daily life.

  • Greenhouse gas diagnosis and consulting
    GHG Diagnosis and Consulting

    KCEN diagnoses the state of GHG emissions from homes, shops, and schools based on energy consumption data and provides consulting services on GHG reduction plans.

    Moreover, it offers training sessions for consultants every year and carries out field inspections to improve the quality of its diagnostic and consulting services.

  • Carbon Neutral Practice Competition
    Carbon Neutrality Contest

    KCEN hosts a contest for institutions, organizations, schools, companies, and consultants setting exemplary examples in practicing and promoting efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.

    As part of this contest, KCEN selects and awards the best practices in each sector.

  • Green Office Supply
    Green Office Program

    KCEN is developing and distributing Green Touch, a program that reduces electricity consumed by computers; and Green Printer, a program that uses less printing paper and ink. Installing these free programs is an easy way to reduce GHG emissions at the office. You can also check how much GHG emissions an individual or your company has reduced.

  • Carbon Neutral Action Campaign
    Carbon Neutrality Campaign

    KCEN hosts various public events and campaigns, including the Climate Change Week Campaign (week before and after Earth Day on April 22), Low-Carbon Holidays Campaign (Seollal, Chuseok), Cool Clothing Campaign (summer), Warm Clothing Campaign (winter), etc.

  • Support projects for vulnerable groups
    Community Outreach Program

    KCEN is carrying out a project to support marginalized individuals and households that are affected by and vulnerable to climate change, such as heat waves and cold waves, to minimize damage and increase their adaptability to climate change.